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Thyroid Eye Disease (TED), sometimes referred to as Graves’ Eye Disease, is a serious, potentially vision-threatening condition that can get worse over time, if left untreated. The longer that TED goes untreated, the more likely it is for serious damage to happen to your eyes. The earlier you start treatment for your Thyroid Eye Disease, the better. Read on to learn about your TED treatment options.
Eye drops or gel
Over-the-counter eye drops may help provide relief from dry, gritty eyes. In some cases, doctors will prescribe a specific type of eye drops to use.
For retracted eyelids, or eyelids that can’t close, a lubricating gel can be used to prevent the eye from getting dry while you sleep.
Steroids are one of the most common treatments and can potentially provide some symptom relief. People with TED usually start on a higher dose which is slowly lowered. This is done to help avoid the long-term negative effects of steroid usage, such as weight gain and increased risk of infections.
Orbital radiotherapy (ORT) is another approach used to treat TED. This treatment aims beams of energy (radiation) at a precise point on the body. In the case of TED, the area targeted is behind the eye. ORT may provide some symptom relief for some people with TED.
When TED reaches the “chronic” phase, surgery is sometimes used to correct damage that resulted from scarring.
It usually takes multiple surgeries to correct the issues caused by TED. These surgeries are often done in a specific order.
Learn about TED surgery optionsA different treatment option
Today, a treatment option that works differently is available.
Explore a different treatment for TEDOnce Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) reaches the chronic phase, surgery is sometimes used to correct serious damage caused by scarring.
Surgery may help correct a number of TED symptoms, including bulging eyes, double vision, retracted eyelids, misaligned eyes and other changes to your appearance and vision. While some people with TED may achieve the desired results with the first surgery, multiple surgeries are usually needed—sometimes as many as 4 or more.
TED surgeries are often performed by an oculoplastic surgeon or strabismus surgeon. These surgeons are eye doctors who specialize in surgery of the eye.
Because TED surgeries are complex, they usually take place in a very specific order.
Orbital Decompression Surgery
The goals of orbital decompression surgery:
What are the steps involved?
Double Vision (Strabismus) Surgery
The goals of double vision surgery:
What are the steps involved?
Eyelid repositioning surgery
The goals of eyelid repositioning surgery:
What are the steps involved?
Face sculpting
The goals of face sculpting surgery:
What are the steps involved?
Doctors recommend that patients wait 2-4 months between each surgery. Depending on how many surgeries are required, the surgical process for TED can last anywhere between 2-16 months.
Watch what a patient living with TED has to say about taking charge of her care.
I’m Ron. I have Graves’ disease and Thyroid Eye Disease. I was in law enforcement for 33 years, and simultaneously in the military reserves for 27.
We’ve been married for 28 years. We were both in the Coast Guard reserves.
As a police officer, I periodically would have some blurred vision. Little bit of dizziness. One day I looked in the mirror, my right eye was completely as far as it would go toward my nose and looking upward. I was horrified. I was panicked. I didn’t know what it meant.
So I said we do need to go get this checked out because obviously something is wrong.
The bulging and movement of the eyeballs was compressing my optic nerves. There was some question as to whether I would go completely blind. Not a lot of people knew what was happening initially. Then ultimately an endocrinologist said, “Yes, I know what’s wrong with you.”
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After months of increasing symptoms and loss of eye function, Ron was finally diagnosed with both Graves’ disease and thyroid eye disease.
With Ron’s vision rapidly deteriorating, doctors decided they needed to act fast.
To save my vision, and prevent me from going completely blind, they had to perform fairly immediate surgery. And they did the first of six surgeries. Living with Thyroid Eye Disease certainly has its challenges. I had to rely on Vickie either to get me to and from work, or to get me to the bus stop.
My take charge husband having to rely on me and other people when that was not in his personality, which increased his frustration.
I was not allowed on a public bus one time because I couldn’t read the destination above the driver’s windshield. And I asked him, “Does this bus go to so-and-so?” And he said, “Read the, the thing!” And I said, “I can’t!” And he says, “Well, then get off the bus!” I said, “I can’t read it because I’m legally blind.” Which I was. There was no bus ride for me that day. My blurred vision and such deteriorated to the extent I knew I could not perform on patrol duty. The Chief and the Captain had me turn over my weapon, and suddenly I can no longer do the things that cops do.
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Today, more than two decades since Ron’s diagnosis, they push forward with strength and gratitude.
There are days when my eyes will start to cross or wander around and I’ll have dizziness and blurred vision, but I absolutely refuse to be a victim. For anyone who is suddenly having an onset of blurred vision, please don’t wait, don’t take chances, contact an endocrinologist and an ophthalmologist. Both of whom are experience with Thyroid Eye Disease and Graves’.
And I would add, that even if you don’t know that those are symptoms of Graves’ or the onset of Thyroid Eye Disease, if you are having symptoms that are significant—and double vision is definitely a significant symptom of something—don’t just pass it off as “I’m tired.”
Vickie has meant everything to me. All is not lost, it’s just the beginning of a journey that can still be a pretty good journey.
We just don’t let any of the good days or bad days stop us from doing anything.
“To save my vision, and prevent me from going completely blind, they had to perform fairly immediate surgery. And they did the first of 6 surgeries.” — Ron, real TED patient
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