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Do I have Thyroid Eye Disease?

Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) affects everyone differently. Tracking your symptoms and how they are affecting your life may help you and your doctor better understand your needs.

This survey will help you check for symptoms quickly and easily. You’ll find tips for having a TED-focused conversation with your doctor so you can speak up for the care you deserve. Be sure to share these results with your TED Specialist.

Check the boxes beside the symptoms you have experienced below. Or download a PDF version of this survey to complete later.

Download the
TED Symptom Survey

TED may cause discomfort in, around, or behind your eye. Over the past 3 months, have you experienced any of the following symptoms? Check all that apply:

The earliest symptoms of TED often involve changes to the way your eyes feel. Your doctor should know if you often experience the following sensations:
Symptoms also commonly include changes to the way your eyes work. Consider speaking with your doctor if you’ve noticed any of the following:
Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) is often diagnosed when physical symptoms appear. Make note if you’ve noticed any of the following:
If left untreated, TED can threaten your vision. Contact a doctor immediately if you’re experiencing either of the following:
TED can have a big impact on nearly all parts of your life, including daily activities. Be sure to speak up and tell your doctor if your eye symptoms have made it harder to do any of the following:
TED can cause changes to your physical appearance and your vision that affect your mental health and your social life. Be open with your doctor and let them know if your eye symptoms are causing any of the following:
Please answer at least one question to complete the survey.

Please note that this information does not replace a diagnosis or conversation with your doctor. Be sure to talk to your doctor about any signs or symptoms and treatment options.

Your Results

Download and print a copy of your answers

Based on your answers, your symptoms could mean you have Thyroid Eye Disease (TED). Please note that this information does not constitute medical advice.

Be sure to contact a TED Eye Specialist and share this information as soon as possible. This information may assist you in having a conversation with your physician about TED. Because TED is unique and rare, it is important to see a specialist who has experience treating it. Learn more about the doctors who diagnose and treat TED.

Because TED can get worse over time, diagnosing and treating it early is important to prevent eye damage.

Talking to your TED Eye Specialist

  1. Bring these results with you to help start a TED-focused conversation with your TED Eye Specialist. Use resources like this tool to educate yourself and take action.
  2. Be honest with your TED Eye Specialist about how your symptoms affect your daily life.
  3. Make sure that you speak openly with your TED Eye Specialist and don’t be reluctant to share how your symptoms make you feel. Speak up for the care you deserve.
  4. If your doctor tells you that you have TED, ask about any treatment options available to help you manage your symptoms.
  5. Make sure you understand your options, even if you feel like you’re repeating yourself. Your doctor would rather you ask questions than allow you to leave your appointment confused.

Congratulations! You are now taking an active role in protecting your eyes, vision, and well-being from Thyroid Eye Disease.


Treating TED early can help prevent serious eye damage.

Learn about a different treatment option for TED.